Marjorie Mayers

Counselling and Psychological Services


A self-love guide for an ever more loving relationship with yourself: For Valentine's and beyond

Having a good, healthy relationship with yourself is easily as important as any other relationship you will ever have. For a wonderful, meaningful self- loving Valentine’s experience explore one or many of the following exercises. And beyond Valentine’s, this is a good guide to nurture that most essential self-love connection you have with you.

 In self-care:

  1. Take time for a long, luxurious bath.

  2. Pamper yourself with a nap.

  3. Plan a healthful, delicious, and special meal (or treat yourself to ordering something you really love.)

  4. Do a beautifying practice you’ve been missing for some time.

By writing:

  1. Write yourself a Valentine’s (or birthday, or New Year’s or any day,) mission statement that highlights your worthiness, strength, and powerfulness. Give examples.

  2. Write yourself a love letter expressing gratitude for who you are.

  3. Write yourself a promissory note to actively change negative words, thoughts, and feelings that harm you and that you repeat to yourself daily.

  4. Write yourself an apology letter for being so hard on yourself, for something you did, or for having unreasonable expectations of yourself.

  5. Write to letter to someone who means a lot to you and express your gratefulness for that relationship.

  6. Write a list of loving personal affirmations and apply one as your phone’s wall-paper. Keep the others and rotate them monthly.

In activities: 

  1. Listen to some music that fills you with joy.

  2. Dance around your space.

  3. Do your favourite exercise routine.

  4. Plan a safe, socially-distanced walk with someone you love.

  5. Watch a show that inspires you.

  6. Accomplish something on your to do list that always eludes you (clean a closet, do some paperwork, etc.)

  7. Snuggle with your pet and appreciate that unique love.

  8. Do something kind for someone else.

  9. Reconnect with an old friend or long lost contact by reaching out to them.

  10. Give someone a compliment - say nice things to others.

In the realm of the more spiritual:

  1. Spend some time being grateful - take some notes

  2. Try a meditation - there are many online for free

  3. Practice mindfulness through breathing - again many free, guided practices online

  4. Go outside and use your senses to appreciate the beauty of nature

  5. Develop a meaningful ritual that celebrates you and your worthiness.

Whatever you do, and which ever activity(ies) you choose, know that your relationship with yourself deserves all the loving attention and all the energy you have. For guidance and/or to explore further please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me or a therapist of your choosing. You’re worth it :) xo

© 2025 Marjorie Mayers.

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